Saturday, March 18, 2017

Speech evaluation contest

Lauralee was the test speaker for the Speech Evaluation contest, who gave her speech on the Soul of Spain. A test speaker gives a speech that is not a part of the contest. Instead, the speech is used as a way to show a person's ability to give an evaluation. She said that the soul of a culture can be seen through the music of a country. Her speech gave demonstrations of the music throughout this history of Spain, such as the flamenco music that started in the 1800's, the church music that came from the Greek influence and today's popular culture. 
Lauralee was evaluated by Dave, from our home Toastmasters, Lily from area 31 as well, Joseph from area 35, and Kathy from area 35. Dave suggested to sell the speech by using clothes similar to traditional Spanish attire, and to speak louder when referring to the PowerPoint, because Lauralee's voice trails off when directed at a different area in the room. He also gave several compliments including how well researched the speech was, and how the soul of Spain was a journey through their history. Lily gave several criticisms as to how to make the speech better including needing to move more around the room to engage the audience and gesturing more.
Joseph talked about how there were several technical difficulties that Lauralee had to overcome before giving the speech, but how she was able to work through them. He suggested next time, when technology is cooperating, to stand to the side of the lectern to be able to move around the room. Kathy complemented Lauralee about being able to get over the nerves from the multiple technology failures before the speech. She said that given the short time to prepare, and lack of materials needed for the speech, that Lauralee gave a good speech. Kathy talked about how, once the speech is more practiced and she has the materials she needs for the speech, that Lauralee should add demonstrations such as during the time when Lauralee says that the top half of the flamenco dance is from Greece, being more ridged, and the bottom half is more Arabic and is more flowing. Lastly, Kathy said that she liked that Lauralee added the soul of Spain to both the beginning and ending, but would have her add when Lauralee is talking about more to the introduction. 

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