Sunday, June 4, 2017

Outline of Lauralee's experiment

Green Onions and Radishes Experiment
1. Plants will have to withstand a lack of light
2. To find out if radishes and green onions will grow under 50% lighting conditions, and if so,
how they compare to normally grown green onion and radishes.
3. Quote from President Obama "We have set a clear goal vital to the next chapter of
America’s story in space: sending humans to Mars by the 2030s and returning them safely
to Earth, with the ultimate ambition to one day remain there for an extended time,”
(October 11, 2016)
● Measurements
○ Height
○ Numbers of plants
○ Hours of light
○ Plant appearance/ pictures
● Data
○ Statistics (range, mean, median)
○ Graphs
1. Control radishes are taller until harvesting
2. Control green onions were shorter than the experiment
3. Experiment plants had a better root system
1. If the half-light is simulating winter, it would make sense that they did fine and grew
normally for the tops, and created a more complex root system, which is characteristic of
winter plants.
2. "I don’t see future space crews leaving the Earth for long durations without having the
ability to grow their own food," said Topham."The knowledge that we are gaining is
enabling us to extend our exploration and future colonization of space."

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