Tuesday, September 12, 2017

September 5th meeting review

On Tuesday, September 5th, the Toastmaster of the day was Christa. She talked about Labor day, and how our country started down the path to improved working conditions. One thing she focused on was America's history of strikes, like the fact that there were 37,000 strikes that happened between 1870 and 1940 on topics like low wages and dangerous working conditions. Diane was the general evaluator, who talked about how the meeting started on time with our business portion of our club meeting. As the evaluator, Diane complemented Christa on how she ran the meeting smoothly, and did not have any improvements.
Avital was the speaker of the day. Her speech was called The Problem Today Is.
Laimons was her evaluator, who talked complemented Avital on talking about doctor interviews to help validate her point. He also talked to her about how the speech could be applicable to everyone. One thing Laimons suggested is that Avital make sure to she give her sources, and back up all of her claims in case anyone is skeptical of her topic. 
Paul was the table topics master of the day, who asked Lee to talk about his new job of driving seniors around. Lee talked about going to the state fair, and how he was able to walk around with Ana who was a former Toastmaster. Laurie was asked about fall colors, who talked about big leaf maples, and how they are already turning around an hour away from cape perpetua. The winner of the table topics trophy was Laurie! 
The timer of the day was Peter, and the grammarian of the day was Brian H, whose word of the day was gibe!

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