Wednesday, January 1, 2020

What does it mean to be someone's mentor?

When you think mentor, what is the first thing that comes to mind? A person? A teacher? A friend? A guide? According to the Merriam- Webster Dictionary the term mentor means a trusted counselor or guide. The term 'mentor' can be applied to many different people in many different situations. Mentor's can be found at work, at school, in the community or in a friend group. 

Think of the mentors you have worked with in your life. Was there someone who helped you get started in your career, offering advice and guidance, showing you how things worked and how to get things done? Consider your education. Was there a teacher who took a special interest in you and who had an especially positive influence on your life? We all can probably name two people who have had a profound positive effect on our lives. 

What does a mentor actually do?
A mentor:
Takes a personal interest in and helps an inexperienced person (mentee) 
Serves as a role model, coach, and confidante 
Offers knowledge, insight, perspective, and wisdom useful to the mentee 
Helps someone become successful and learns new skills themselves

Most new members join a Toastmasters club because they have the desire to work on their  speaking and/or leadership. They believe that by improving their speaking and/or leadership skills will help them advance in their career or offer them greater personal satisfaction. Think of when you joined a new organization. Did you feel lost? Was there someone there to guide you and help you learn the workings of that organization? 

Being a mentor can be a wonderful experience and rewarding. As a mentor, you can share what you learned in Toastmasters and help a newer member to start working on and achieving their goals. 

Is your New Year's resolution to give back to your community? Maybe this year your resolution can be to help other members meet their goals by becoming a Toastmaster's mentor. 

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