Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Watch Our Meeting


  1. What a wonderful meeting. I just love how you are able to integrate those that are in person with those that are remote. I loved the international perspectives and the variety of speeches! Congratulations Julie on completing your path! Svetlana's speech was great and clearly not her first ice breaker. I also enjoyed the perspective that Avital brought to a classic topic. I just loved the trivia that Brian incorporated into the meeting. Who knew that Silent night was from Austria not Germany and KFC was a big deal in Japan.

  2. How do you send the pancakes to the remote participants?

    1. I dont think pancakes can quite fit through the camera, but we have done toasts with our online members.

  3. I thought Willy Wonka had figured a way to transmit a chocolate bar via television, WonkaVision. Perhaps he is still keeping the secret to himself.
