Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Halloween Review

To start the meeting, Lauralee received her competent leadership, and competent communicator awards, and pins.
Today was our Halloween themed meeting. The Impaler Dave was our Toastmaster of the day, who brought in some "costumes" for us. These were anything from ear headbands to a witches hat. He told us a variety of jokes about Halloween. Why did the skeleton cross the road? To get to the body shop. He was evaluated by the Zombie Killer, Lauralee, who said she was more like a zombie herself. Other than not telling us the title for the speeches, she said Dave did a very good job of being flexible, and keeping the meeting organized.
Our first speaker was Paul, who gave us the tale of his younger Halloween days, where he went to his neighbors and scared them with his costume. Because of his antics, he scared one of his neighbors so bad that the husband was trying to get away from him, and the wife screamed for what seemed like 20 minutes. Pen was Paul's evaluator, who gave a very specific evaluation for Paul's story.
Peter was the second speaker today, talking about the mysterious wanderer, Leatherman of Connecticut. This wanderer did not speak English, but was allowed to float around for over thirty years. Anjanette was his evaluator, who gave both compliments and criticism in her evaluation. She told Peter that he gave us a historical story that made her think about the story, as well as giving us a "mysterious" vibe to him.
Brian was the Table Topics master of the day, and gave people gravestones to tell stories of. Laimons said that he was upset by the fact that Merv Griffin had passed away, and that he obviously did not believe in the resurrection if he would not be back after this message. The second picture he got said he did not forward the message to ten people, like the scare messages say. Laimons joked that he would die trying to figure out how to forward the message in the first place. Christa won our Halloween table topics award of the day! Her passed life's tombstone said " here lies an atheist. All dressed up and no place to go". She told us that she was raised in a catholic home, but did not believe in the religion. When she died at an early age due to disease, her parents wrote this on her tombstone.
The word of the day was monstrosity. Marisa was the grammarian of the day, who cleverly said that the wizard of ahhs was Laimons.
Remember that next week is the business meeting, and we will be going over the Competent Communicator and Leadership books!

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