Tuesday, November 29, 2016

November 29th review

The Toastmaster of the day was Peter, who talked about the meaning of different holidays. His impromptu stand in evaluator was Christa, who talked about he was prepared to introduce the speakers, and had many interesting facts to tell us about. She said that her evaluator was too easy on her, and so was Anjanette, who did not point out her umms.
Our first speaker was Christa, who gave a talk about mental health emergency preparedness. She likened it to going through a regular first aid class, so that you can try to help those who need you. She handed out fliers for the next mental health first aid class with information about what they would be doing in Newport, Oregon. Brian was her evaluator who said that this was very needed information for the community. He said she was working on her rate, which he said evened out after the beginning. One thing he said to remember is to add more to the conclusion.
The second speaker was Lee spoke about his family history, and how he found his coat of arms after going to Germany to find his father's family. When he was able to go, he met his second cousins and his father met his cousins he had never seen before. To show us, he brought the coat of arms he made himself from a picture he saw showing the union of his family to another. Marisa was Lee's evaluator, who said she was very interested in his story, and didn't notice that he had gone overtime. She complimented that he was very story like in his speech and how he was able to augment his speech with props.
Paul was in charge of table topics today, where he set up debates on a page for different people in the audience. On the page were different questions that you took a side on. Anjanette talked about the placebo effect being fine for small problems but not for serious conditions. She also said you need to believe in the alternative care for it to work, so that would not make sense for children or animals. Peter chose the question about how the economy is affected during times of peace, and in times of war. He said that the economy would be better during times of peace instead of war. Lauralee was the winner of table topics and talked about the electoral college, which she had just written a five page paper on. She proposed that instead of the mysterious electoral college, that can override popular vote, that we use a more representative group of people.
Have a good day!

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