Sunday, December 11, 2016

Tuesday December 6th Review

Tuesday was our business meeting. The discussed the date for spring contest, and are waiting on Teo for a date to reserve the library. Another topic was the Waldport High School mentoring dates and times which will be announced in January 2017 after the holidays.
Reminder our Christmas white elephant gift exchange is Tuesday 12/20. Our meeting of 12/27 has been canceled due to so many being out of town that Christmas week. The next meeting will be back on our regular schedule 1/3.
Toastmaster of the day was Dave Coffman. He regaled us with St. Nicholas factoids such as the “real” St. Nicholas was from the area now called Turkey so he really did not look like our Americanized Santa Clause. He also attended the council of Nicea and was so upset that another bishop questioned the virgin birth of Jesus the beat him with his staff, which is one theory of why we have candy canes that look like a Shepherd’s staff today.
Paul was the grammarian whose words of the day were Xenophobia and Bifurcated. The word was very popular and was used in almost all the table topics as well as the speech.
Anajanette gave book speech number three about paddle boarding. She took us on a voyage extolling the wonders of getting close to nature and water and encouraged us to join the sport and go with her to Hawaii to paddle board the wonderful surf there. Laimons gave a wonderful evaluation of Anajanette's speech and was impressed that she was not xenophobic with her extolling other cultures where we could paddle board.
Christa, our table topics master had us all smiling with happy table topics like “what makes you smile?”, and “What two things are you looking forward to?” Peter keep us on track as our timer, as well as our Table Topics winner.
Brian, after remembering that he was the general evaluator, commented on how impressed the meeting ran with Dave at the helm as Toastmaster. He loved the speech about paddle boarding, enjoyed the factoids given by Dave regarding St. Nick, table topics put a smile on his face and the words of the day made everyone think on their feet to work them into their table topics and roles. All in all a GREAT meeting!

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