Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Short Meeting summary

The Toastmaster of the day was Brian. Peter was the speaker of the day, who gave us three suggestions if we want to raise cats. They were to give them a scratching post, a friend, and remember that they are not your pet but more like your housemate. Lee was Peter's evaluator, and he said that he like Peter's gestures, but to make sure to freely move around when giving his speech.  Dave was the Table topics master, who asked Brian to define snollygoster. Brian won table topics by saying that snollygoster was the Norse word to describe when you step in a pile of smelly slimy fish. Avital was the general evaluator, who suggested being more open and engaging with the audience, by moving the podium and having more open gestures that would allow for more body language to be expressed. The word of the day from our grammarian Laurie was buzzkill. The timer of the day was Lauralee.

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