Wednesday, June 21, 2017

June 20th review

We would like to welcome our guest of the day, Leanna.
The Toastmaster of the day was Lee, who told jokes and made sure to check in with everyone who had roles. The general evaluator of the day was Lauralee who talked about how Avital helped people know what the most common words were used and, so, well, and now. She also complimented Christa on explaining how table topics would work.
Leanna was our guest speaker of the day, who is a part of the outgoing district trio. She talked about how Toastmasters can help a person work on leadership through several different avenues. When working in club roles, such as general evaluator, a person can practice leadership qualities such as providing your team with the information they need, and giving them feedback on how well they evaluated the meeting. River was Leanna's evaluator who talked about how Leanna stood away from the lectern, which opened her up to her audience.Another thing that River said was that Leanna talked a lot about the benefits of Toastmasters in general, and how it can improve your speaking skills which leads to better leadership skills. In contrast, she did not say that Toastmaster could be fun or inviting, only the business benefits.
Brian was the second speaker of the day, who talked about our mentor program. He presented on the various benefits of being a mentor, or being mentored. Some of these include learning new skills, working on communication, and for the club it will help with member retention. Near the end of the speech, he passed out forms to apply of a mentor and to become a mentor. A last thing he mentioned was that you do not need to be a new member to be mentored, because we all can learn from each other. Paul was Brian's evaluator, who said that because this speech was from Toastmasters it could not be as personalized, but he did a good job of adding humor to the speech. He said that we learned a lot from the speech, but would have liked to have a more concise introduction.
Christa was in charge of table topics, and based her theme off of the game would you rather. She asked Kathleen if she would rather go back to age five with all of the information she has now, or know what she will know in the future. Kathleen said that she would prefer to know the future than go back to the past with all that she knows now. Why she said that is because she said Kathleen has always known she wanted to be a teacher and was good at remembering information in books, but now has a worse memory, and she thought that would frustrate her younger self. John said he does not find wealth as important, as demonstrated by his career choice of being a fish biologist, but health is very important to him. In order to do the job he loves, John has to be healthy, so he said it is more important to be healthy than wealthy. Diane said that she would prefer to be a CEO than a senator because her degree is in business, and she would be copacetic in her decision to be a businesswoman than a senator. Kathleen was the table topics winner of the day.
Avital was the grammarian of the day, who reminded us that we need to speak in complete sentences. The word of the day was copacetic, and she introduced the concept from Toastmasters of a double clutch or tautology, where you repeat a word. The timer of the day was Peter.

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