Wednesday, August 30, 2017

August 28th review

Lee was the Toastmaster of the day, who talked about how cars have changed over the years. He said he had been thinking about how his grandfather would be blown away by how our cars work now. Lee's grandfather had worked on wagons in the 1800s, and Lee talked about taking his grandfather for a ride in his van that he does not even need to turn a key to start. Christa was the general evaluator of the day, who complimented Lee on his introductions for the speakers. She mentioned to Lauralee that she liked how Lauralee added her critiques into her overall evaluation instead of piling them on at the end of the evaluation.
Avital was the first speaker of the day. Her speech was speech 10 of her competent communicator. She only has one more speech to receive her Competent Communicator award.
Lauralee was Avital's evaluator for the day. She complimented Avital on her presence and her confidence during her speech. Lauralee said Avital did a great job of painting her story for us. One thing she did suggest was for Avital to give us a little more of a buy in to accept the changes she suggested for us.
Brian H was the second speaker of the day. He did his Ice Breaker speech, the Life of Brian. In his speech, he talked about how he went to college as a long-haired hippie freak, and found out that he had to decide on a major. In college, he majored in journalism, and went to Washington for his first job. He moved to Oregon once he found what his job as a journalist would really entail. In Oregon, he got a job involving taxes, where he learned he loved the tax code. From there he went to Lewis and Clark to become a lawyer, and moved to Newport, Oregon. Today he works at Newport Law, and is a volunteer firefighter. Peter was Brian's evaluator for his Ice Breaker. He complimented Brian on his eye contact and expression. One thing that Peter mentioned was Brian's confidence and good volume.
Due to time constraints, there were no table topics.
Paul was the grammarian of the day, whose word was umbraphile. Diane was the timer of the day. 

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