Tuesday, January 16, 2018

January 16th Review

We would like to welcome our guests for the day and invite them back online or in person for our next meeting.
Avital was the Toastmaster of the day whose theme was equal rights. Because Martin Luther King day was Monday, she thought she would include some trivia about him, including what his original name was before it was changed to Martin. John was the general evaluator of the day. He complimented Christa and Rozaline for their balanced evaluation of the speakers. For our new timer, he complimented Linda on how well she did for her first role in the club. One thing he did stress is patience with the new technology and moving parts.
Tom was the first speaker of the day, whose video is below, including the evaluation of his speech done by Christa.
Lauralee was the second speaker of the day, who gave her speech Going on a Hunt, for Invisible Monsters. She told the story of Rose, who was a mighty hunter that was on a quest to catch 365 invisible monsters. To catch these monsters, she must go out into her community and find them. Her buddy is an ivysaur, which rewards her with a candy to evolve the creature, every time she walks 3 kilometers. To evolve her ivysaur to a venusaur, she needs 100 candies, and from the baby stage, a bulbasaur, she needed 25 candies to evolve it. 
On her hunt, Rose went down to the beach, where she saw many a creature, from a Krabby to a Seadra (adult seahorse), but she was trying to find a staryu to evolve her starfish to an adult starmie. No matter where she wandered, Rose and her friend Anna could not find a staryu. They did, however, find a raid, where they had the opportunity to fight and catch a croconaw (pictured below). Joined by fellow hunters, Rose and Anna battled the croconaw until they won the raid. At the end, they had the opportunity to catch the creature, and after feeding it, they successfully captured their prize. So even though she did not find her staryu, she hunt was still a success. 
Susan was in charge of table topics, and asked Svetlana about equality. Svetlana said she strives to treat every person equally as a rule. Even children who are much younger than her deserve respect as a person because their experiences are different than hers. Brian H was asked about his experience with equality and waiting. He responded that it makes no sense that we, as the American nation, cannot figure out that men and women are equal, even though it says all men are created equal in the declaration of independence. Brian was the winner of table topics.

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