Tuesday, May 8, 2018

May 8th Meeting

The Toastmaster of the day was Avital, whose theme was travel. She talked about how when she was in India, she was texting voice to text, and when she paused, the cell phone picked up one word from the audience was love. Jalene was the general evaluator of the day. She said that she liked how Lee gave an overview of the speech and how he gave some things that were general and then specific things that Lauralee could do.
Lauralee was the first speaker of the day, giving her speech "Survival of the Middle Ages". As the "representative" of a "company" called "Living History Inc." Lauralee talked about how they were a time travel agency that brings dreams to live. Offering a one night, weekend, week and month stay in the middle ages, Lauralee talked about how Living History Inc. She talked about how there are several options available to help your stay in the middle ages become the most comfortable, from Middle Ages Meals Ready to Eat, to powdered toothpaste and simple clothes. At the end she wished us all a wonderful stay at Living History Inc, and reminded us to pick up our "Survival of the Middle Ages for Time Travelling American's" guide. Lee was her evaluator, who thought this was a very humorous speech that fit the criteria of unexpected. One thing that he did suggest was to work with more varied gestures and remember to keep eye contact with her audience.
The second speaker of the day was Kristina, who redid her square dancing speech from last week in full costume. She started her speech off with a call, and explained how some call are sung and some are spoken, but either way they give the dancers instructions on how to perform the next move. Thought most dances make us think back to PE and how we were forced to dance with kids who had "kooties", square dancing is a fun and healthy way to spend your time. Kristina shared that she began dancing at a very young age, even competing at several levels of competition, from regional to national. Her family was highly involved in it, and they would take her to square dances all the time. At the end of her speech, Kristina talked about how beneficial dancing was, and told us that we could go to a square dance in Corvallis, Oregon. http://corvallissquares.com/
Christa was Kristina's evaluator, who said this was probably her first time evaluating a person on the same speech twice. She said that Christa loved Kristina's costume that she came in, and how she was able to use it in her speech. While Kristina did not get rid of her notes, Christa said she did a great job not using them at the beginning of her speech. One thing she did suggest is to practice using gestures while she practice her speech so she knows what to do with her hands.
The theme of table topics was gastric adventures. Dave asked Brian H how he would prepare spiders. Brian said curried spiders are delicious and the key to a good spider is to cook them on low heat. Laimons was asked what the worst thing he ate was, and he said in school he was served Kidney, where he was forced to eat everything on his plate. Innards, according to Laimons, was the worst thing to be fed. Jalene said she had to opportunity to eat guinea pig and ants in South America, but turned down both opportunities. Brian H was the winner of the table topics trophy.
John was the timer of the day, and Diane was the grammarian, whose word was adventure.

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