Wednesday, January 23, 2019

January 22nd Review

Lauralee was the Toastmaster of the day, whose theme was Winter Toastmasters Institute Leadership. She had asked all of the people who had roles to tell her one leader they admire. Answers varied from Jimmy Carter and Geraldine Ferraro to Norman Schwarzkopf and Desmond Tutu. Lauralee quoted at the end International Past President Pat Johnson who said at Winter TLI "As leaders, who do we think we have to be?" Lauralee was evaluated by Larry, who said that he really liked that Lauralee used introductions from people, and it helped him learn about the other Toastmasters in the room. He commented about how he valued when people put the name tags on since not everyone had them, and he said it is important to new members and guests. One suggestion he had was to have the table topics and the Toastmaster's theme to be the same.
Svetlana was the first speaker of the day, with a story about Sultan and his Four Wives. His fourth wife was pretty and he adorned her with the finest delicacies. The Sultan's third wife, he feared that she would be taken from him, so he took her everywhere. Sultan's second wife was his confidante and patient, but his first wife was loyal even if he did not pay attention to her. Each wife represented a part of a person's life, with the fourth wife being their body, the third their status and the second being their family. However, the first wife, who is loyal even if the person is not, is the soul. Brian N was Svetlana's evaluator who said that he appreciated that she had tried her slides before giving her speech, and used them to convey her story.
Our second speaker was Dave who gave his speech Okay and Ah Nothing. While taking a lifeguarding class, they came to a part about emergency child birth, and Dave thought it was quite graphic, and when he got home he told his mom that the class was okay. When she asked what he learned, he said "ah nothing". Later when Dave was getting back from training, he was on a bus and the driver asked if anyone knew about childbirth and he was tired enough to say yes. Then he found out it was not a rhetorical question, and he delivered a baby girl. Brian H was his evaluator who complimented Dave on his word choice such as his comment of it not being a rhetorical question. One suggestion Brian had was to focus on using a few more purposeful gestures.
Laurie was the Table Topics Master, whose theme was celestial events. She asked Larry about the solar eclipse, and he said that he was at home watching with his wife, and heard cheers as the sun fully eclipsed. Laurie asked Lauralee about Halley's Comet when it comes around again, and she said that when it comes around, she would like to take a picture of it. Sara won the Table Topics trophy, for explaining how she felt like she thought an ancient Egyptian would have during the solar eclipse.
Christa was the Grammarian of the day with her word flapdoodle, and Cindy was the timer of the day.

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