Sunday, June 17, 2018

High Performance Leadership Project

Are you thinking of doing a High Performance Leadership Project? These are the steps to complete one!
1. Read the High Performance Leadership manual for their background
2. Come up with an idea for a project (IE: leadership campaign, Speechcraft, Youth Leadership)
3. Recruit a guidance committee to work with you on your project
4. Meet with your guidance committee to go over what you have in mind
5. Create your mission statement, vision, and values. Run these by your committee
6. Present your first speech to your club about your project
7. Create your Roles Goals and Timetable for your project
8. Recruit and Action Team
9. Create your action plan on how you are going to achieve your goals in your time limit
10. Meet with your action team and guidance committee to review your progress and how things are working. Overcome problems, if any, and reevaluate your plan if needed
11. Results: go over your results with your team and evaluate how your plan went
12. Present your results to your club with a speech

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