Sunday, June 17, 2018

Legacy Program

If you are on the Legacy Program, and have completed the Competent Leadership and Competent Communicator, you now have two years to complete the program.
Elections just happened! Are you a club officer? Great! This means that you can complete your Advanced Leadership Bronze this year. To do this, you need to give two speeches, either from the Club Success Series or Better Speaker Series, and participate in the club success plan.
Now that you have finished the Competent Communicator, you can start on your Advanced Communicator Bronze. This is another ten speeches from two of the 15 advanced manuals. Say you choose the Humorous Speaking manual and Technical Presentations. These will allow you to complete your Advanced Communicator Bronze.
You are now an ACB and an ABL! You now are into district leadership roles to complete your Advanced Leadership Silver. If you were a Pathways Guide during the transition, you have fulfilled your district commitment, but if not, you have a variety of roles you can choose from, from being an area director, to a division leader. Once you have taken on that role, you will also need to complete a High Performance Leadership Project. You can read more about HPL's here.
When you are going for your Advanced Communicator Silver, you need to give ten more speeches, or two more advanced manuals. For this, you could do the Entertaining Speaker and Storytelling. This educational award also requires two presentations from the Better Speaker Series or Club Success series.
Now that you have completed your HPL, received your Leadership Excellence Award, and finished your Advanced Leader Silver (ALS) and Advanced Communicator Silver (ACS), you now have your Advanced Communicator Gold to finish. This is another two advanced manuals. If you complete your Interpretive Reading and Speeches by Management manuals, this will get you one step closer to DTM. You need to be a club coach or sponsor, and be a club mentor to receive your DTM.

CONGRATULATIONS! You are now a Distinguished Toastmasters!

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